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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Fox News Story on Disaster Preparedness

Fox covers exactly what we are all doing, preparing for the unknown, and having the tools to provide for our families. Great to get the information out there, knowledge is power and everyone needs to step up and be ready!

Click on the link below for an interesting video that people of all types, are preparing!

Fox News on Preparedness

So it is not just extremists, right-wing nut jobs, or the like. It is Americans concerned about our future from natural disasters, economic meltdown, and terrorist attacks. Some are just concerned American families realizing that we have lived for generations and taken life as we know it for granted and realized when it comes down to it, nobody really owes us anything and we want to be able to take care of our family IF the unexpected strikes! Personally, I think it is a good sign that people are taking the initiative to be ready and not relying on others or government to take care of their families for them.

FEMA Pictures, Images and Photos

1 comment:

tonyb said...

Some thoughts on disaster preparedness/recovery and big insurance:

Are You Disaster Ready?

What do you expect in case of loss? Who cares? Who has disaster preparedness/recovery money for that?
I don't have all the answers, but I do have this one:
A letter pertaining to disaster (hurricane, earthquake, tornado, flood, fire, etc.) has been sent to President Obama on behalf of all insurance policyholders. As a matter of transparency on the record of insurance consumer protection, any response by President Obama will be posted on the following Website for review: http://www.disasterprepared.net/president.html

Qui potest et debet vetare, jubet: (Law Maxim)


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