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Monday, November 16, 2009

For the Good of the People

There are those of us who write our blogs for the good of the people. Then there unfortunately there are those of us who appearently blog for their own personal and financial gain. Shame on those people. Greed is the exact sin which prohibits us from growth in all types of spectrums.

I enjoy writing my blog as a part of the NEVADA PREPPERS NETWORK, in hopes to help people with resources and other people of great knowledge with the heart of a teacher, the soul of goodness, wanting like me to help mankind get through this challange in American history and be prepared even if a catastrophic event does not ever occur.

Something as simple as a layoff, etc. Will make all these things we learn here on the Nevada Site and all the sites encompassed by American Preppers Network so valuable.

I want to thank all of you who have taken the time to blog, pour their hearts onto these pages for the good of the people, and hope you continue to do so. As for those who are aspiring to make financial gain out of others fear and discontent will hopefully move on, or be seen by true preppers for what they are.

God Bless America, Freedom of Speech, and the ability to choose the path we want to take in live positive or negative.

Please know that I am only affiliated with NEVADA PREPPERS NETWORK and will continue to post what is in the best intrest of the American people to the best of my knowledge. I appreciate any comments, as that is how we learn and grow.

Now let's move on!

1 comment:

APN said...

Thank you for your support of our networks. Moving on and sharing the message of self-reliance, freedom, and getting prepared is the best, and probably only way, to get through this.


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Nevada Preppers Network Est. Jan 17, 2009 All contributed articles owned and protected by their respective authors and protected by their copyright. Nevada Preppers Network is a trademark protected by American Preppers Network Inc. All rights reserved. No content or articles may be reproduced without explicit written permission.